Direct Relief staff in Haiti has been pursuing all channels to help Haitians recover from last month’s devastating earthquake, and is working to fill immediate and long-term needs. This week, the team has delivered by helicopter a shipment of medical aid to Hôpital Albert Schweitzer in Deschapelles, north of Port-au-Prince. The well-established hospital has a surgical and orthopedic practice, and has been treating many patients injured in the earthquake. Delivered three truckloads of much-needed intravenous solutions and supplies (donated by Baxter) were delivered to St. Damien Hospital, which has been caring for adult and pediatric patients. The team also assisted Partners in Health (PIH) with inventory control and resupply of needed materials, which allows PIH staff to focus on patient care and participated in the Disability Working Group, a consortium of governmental and nongovernmental agencies that is establishing a long-term care strategy for the estimated 2,000 to 4,000 amputees since the earthquake.
Direct Relief staff has also been identifying potential new partners to receive medical aid, including the University of Miami field hospital; the Quesquaya School, which is operating as a logistics hub for medical staff and supplies; Centre de Sante Bernard Mevs; and La Hopital Notre Dame de Lourdes.
From its secure warehouse in Port-au-Prince, Direct Relief continues to deliver medical aid to partners as they specifically request.