Two new shipments are en route to Haiti, destined for Direct Relief partners Hôpital Albert Schweitzer (HAS) and Justinian University Hospital (JUH). Located in Deschapelles and Cap-Haitien, respectively, these facilities are treating large numbers of people injured in the earthquake, and are receiving medical aid they have specifically requested to continue their crucial work.
HAS is a full-service hospital with an orthopedics practice, which has made it integral to the earthquake response. It is receiving more than $266,000 (wholesale) of targeted medical aid, including pain medications, antibiotics, medicines to treat diabetes, and more. Founded in 1957, HAS serves a patient base of about 300,000 people on a regular basis. North of Port-au-Prince, it has received an influx of patients since the earthquake.
JUH, on the north coast of Haiti in Cap-Haitien, has also received a large number of patients injured in the earthquake as people have migrated out of the damage zone. It is receiving a consignment valued at more than $66,000 (wholesale), containing surgical supplies, wound-care supplies, antibiotics, and other needed medicines to support its expanded patient care.
Direct Relief staff members are on the ground in Haiti managing logistics and resupply on behalf of our partners there. This assistance allows partner healthcare providers to focus on treating patients, and means they get the supplies, medicines and equipment they need in an expedited manner.