Thank You from Asian Pacific Health Care

Since 2009, Roche and Direct Relief have partnered to increase access to needed medical supplies among low-income, uninsured patients with diabetes. This year, Roche will once again donate blood glucose meters and test strips so that those patients can better monitor and manage their condition. To date over 2,300 shipments of diabetes testing supplies worth over $6million (wholesale) have been delivered.

Clinic partner, Dr. John Hoh at Asian Pacific Health Care Venture in Los Angeles CA, received a shipment of glucose meters. He wrote us an email explaining why they’re so important to his patients and how it’s changing one woman’s life (and gave us permission to share his note):

“Those glucose meters will be much appreciated and be put to good use. Thanks for noting my request and keeping us in mind! I gave one of your last, precious meters today to a young Filipina mother living with diabetes who has a severely autistic child. She is challenged to keep her glycemia under control since they are so poor – she was homeless in the past. Has the associated classic high carb high, fat diet that led to severe obesity and diabetes.

While the challenge of poverty and food traditions are difficult, your meter allows her to break down knowledge barriers and will help her know what her diet does to her body. She is motivated to improve her lifestyle and live. She needs to be healthy to care for her autistic daughter’s needs.

Please share this with the donor and let them know these are the kinds of patients who are given the scarce meters and strips. We appreciate what you and the donors do to help transform and sometimes save lives.”

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