Continuing Emergency Shipments, Boosting Cold Chain Capacity, and $10 Million in Covid Support for U.S. Health Centers

Emergency medical supplies are prepped for departure to Syria on Thursday, Feb. 25, 2021. The shipment was one of 355 to depart the organization's warehouse in the last seven days. (Tony Morain/Direct Relief)

Over the past seven days, Direct Relief has delivered 355 shipments of requested medical aid to 44 US states and territories and eight countries worldwide.

The shipments contained more than 1.2 million defined daily doses of medication, including opioid overdose-reversing naloxone, cancer treatment therapies, insulin, rare disease medications, and antibiotics, among others.

In the U.S., Direct Relief delivered 343 shipments weighing 28,317 pounds and containing 1.2 million doses of medications.

The largest U.S. shipments by value (wholesale) went to the following organizations:

Globally, Direct Relief shipped more than 18,900 defined daily doses of medication totaling 38,764 pounds this week.

Items included Covid-19 treatments, chemotherapy medications, antibiotics, diabetes management products, and protective gear.

The following organizations received supplies:

Covid Vaccine Efforts

Direct Relief has been boosting cold chain capacity at its global distribution headquarters in Santa Barbara, California, and is currently constructing an additional 5,600-square-foot cold room to store temperature sensitive medications.

Direct Relief shipping critical supplies, preparing vaccine storage space

The organization uses its existing 2,800-square-foot cold room to store and ship vaccines, rare disease and cancer treatment therapies, and insulin.

In addition to preparing for widespread vaccine distribution efforts, the organization announced it would provide $10 million in grants to community health centers to cover ancillary costs related to their administration of Covid-19 vaccines nationwide.

Direct Relief Commits $10 Million to Bolster Covid-19 Vaccination Efforts at Community Health Centers

The $10 million is in addition to the $350 million in charitable assistance provided by Direct Relief to 2,800 health centers and other organizations serving communities across the U.S. hit hardest by the pandemic. That includes $50 million in emergency financial assistance and $300 million in material aid like PPE, medications, and essential supplies such as oxygen concentrators.

Year to Date

Pallets of medical aid are staged for shipment Thursday, February 25, 2021. Covid-19 response continues for the organization, and shipments of PPE, requested medications, oxygen concentrators and other items depart daily. (Tony Morain/Direct Relief)

Since January 1, 2021, Direct Relief has delivered 3,782 shipments to 1,204 partner organizations in 49 U.S. states and territories and 53 countries. These shipments contained 52.6 million defined daily doses of medication valued at $193.1 million (wholesale) and totaling 1.6 million lbs. (800 tons).

Other grants from Direct Relief this year have supported the following organizations:

  • Ain Shams University Hospital
  • Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers
  • Atlantic Medical Center Sabana Hoyos
  • Bayou Clinic
  • CAF-Africa
  • Centro de Salud Familiar Dr. Julio Palmieri Ferri, Inc.
  • Centro de Servicios Primarios de Salud
  • Centros Integrados de Servicios de Salud
  • Children in Trouble
  • Community Clinic Association of Los Angeles County
  • Community Health Center Association of Mississippi
  • Concilio de Salud Integral de Loiza, Inc
  • Corporación de Servicios Médicos Primarios y Prevención de Hatillo, Inc.
  • Corporación SANOS, Inc.
  • COSSMA, Inc.
  • Florida Association of Community Health Centers
  • Fort Defiance Indian Hospital
  • Foundation for Puerto Rico
  • Foundation of Amazon Sustainability
  • Gift of the Givers
  • Global Health Access Program (GHAP)
  • Groundswell UK
  • Gynocare Women’s and Fistula Hospital in Kenya
  • Health Equity International (Haiti)
  • Health Net, Inc
  • HOPE Foundation for Women and Children of Bangladesh, Inc.
  • Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers
  • Midwives for Haiti
  • National Black Church Initiative
  • National Black Nurses Association
  • NC MedAssist
  • NeoMed Center, Inc.
  • Northeast Valley Health
  • Oxnard Firefighters Foundation, Inc
  • Rio Beni Health Foundation
  • Salud Integral en la Montaña, Inc.
  • The Navajo Nation
  • Uganda Cancer Institute
  • Community University Health Care Center, University of Minnesota
  • University of KwaZulu Natal
  • Yayasan Bumi Sehat
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