Medical Aid Reaches Ukrainian Hospitals, Besieged Communities

Emergency medical shipments from Direct Relief arrive at a distribution center located in central Ukraine on March 15, 2022 (Photo courtesy of Charity Fund Modern Village and Town).
Emergency medical shipments from Direct Relief arrive at a distribution center located in central Ukraine on March 15, 2022 (Photo courtesy of Charity Fund Modern Village and Town).

Medical aid from Direct Relief, including treatment for battle wounds and trauma care, continued arriving in Ukraine this week.

On March 15, the Ukrainian NGO Charity Fund Modern Village and Town distributed 13 pallets of medical aid to locations in Central Ukraine, including a local hospital that provides ambulatory care in the region (the specific location is being withheld for security reasons).

Antibiotics, surgical supplies, mental health medications and chronic disease medications reached the hospital, as well as oxygen concentrators for patients needing respiratory support, including those recovering from Covid-19. Charity Fund Modern Village and Town also distributed Direct Relief-provided inhalers for asthma and other respiratory conditions and personal care products to people displaced by the conflict.

The shipment is just one of a series of significant medical donations to arrive in-country, with Direct Relief scaling up exponentially to meet the medical needs resulting from the ongoing conflict.

Direct Relief’s Response

Detailed below are humanitarian medical aid deliveries that have been completed or are in transit to Ukraine, which total 200 pallets and 104,054.2 lbs. (47,198.19 Kgs or 52 tons) of medications, medical equipment, and medical supplies.

Emergency medical shipments from Direct Relief arrive at a distribution center located in central Ukraine on March 15, 2022. The shipment went to the Ukrainian NGO Charity Fund Modern Village and Town, which distributed the medical aid to communities on the frontlines of the conflict. Tuesday’s shipment included field medic backpacks, inhalers, essential medicines, oxygen concentrators and personal care items for people displaced by the war. (Photo courtesy of Charity Fund Modern Village and Town)

The Ukrainian Ministry of Health requested and approved each item from Direct Relief, including those that have arrived and will arrive in Ukraine.

Direct Relief’s extensive medical donations delivered during the first two weeks following the onset of war have been mobilized from Direct Relief’s distribution centers in the U.S. and Europe, and other European locations.


57 Pallets of Medicines and medical supplies to Ukraine


143 Pallets of Medical Aid to Ukraine


Multiple Aid Shipments Bound for Ukraine

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