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Tropical Storm Francine, Gaining Strength and Power, Threatens U.S. Gulf Coast

The storm is expected to make landfall Wednesday, with areas of Texas and Louisiana bracing for impact.



Tropical Storm Francine as seen on Sept. 9. 2024, in the U.S. Gulf Coast. (NOAA Satellite Image)

Tropical Storm Francine, currently building strength in the Gulf of Mexico, is expected to hit the U.S. Gulf Coast as a hurricane by Wednesday afternoon. The storm has already caused heavy rain and thunderstorms along Mexico’s coastline, and is expected to bring strong winds, heavy rain, storm surge, and flash flooding to the southern United States. Tornadoes and further thunderstorms also pose a possible risk to coastal areas.

Communities in Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi are likely to experience impacts from the growing storm. Experts are predicting storm surges as high as 10 feet in some areas, and up to eight inches of rain. The U.S. Gulf Coast, particularly in Texas, has already experienced repeated extreme weather events this year, including July’s Hurricane Beryl, which led to dozens of deaths, large-scale displacements, widespread power outages, and interruptions to health care.

Direct Relief’s Response

In preparation for hurricanes and tropical storms each year, Direct Relief distributes and monitors caches of medications and supplies, called hurricane preparedness packs, throughout the Gulf Coast and other vulnerable areas. The packs contain medical essentials, including chronic disease medications, wound care supplies, and other items commonly requested after storms for patient care.

Tropical Storm Francine’s anticipated path, along with Direct Relief-supported health facilities. Click the image to expand.

Extreme weather events are likely to disrupt routine health care, leading to lost medications and unmanaged chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, and hypertension. A combination of rising floodwaters and increased risk of injury often creates an urgent need for first aid, tetanus vaccines, and therapies to manage water-borne illness. The aftermath of a storm often brings the risk for contagious diseases, as people shelter in close quarters, and increases the need for mental health services.

In recent years, power loss coupled with hot weather has become an increasing danger. For example, in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, the climbing death toll was largely caused by sweltering heat, as people were forced to shelter in their homes without air conditioning or other cooling measures.

Experts predicted that the 2024 hurricane season would be busier than normal, with up to 25 named storms. A period of relative calm in August and early September caused speculation that the season would be calmer than expected, but experts still expect a higher-than-normal amount of tropical storm activity. Hurricane season extends until November 30.

Direct Relief has an extensive history in the U.S. of responding to Gulf Coast hurricanes, and is in communication with national, state, and local organizations, including health centers and free clinics expected to be impacted by the storm.

The organization will continue to monitor Tropical Storm Francine and respond to requests for support.

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