For years, Direct Relief has worked with vaccine manufacturers and, on occasion, national-chain pharmacies, to distribute the flu vaccine or flu-shot vouchers throughout its network of health centers and clinics.

Quick Facts
Seasonal influenza ranks among the most serious recurrent public health threats in the U.S. each year.
Direct Relief depends on the Center for Disease Control data about flu trends to understand how best to offer support to the national network of over 1100 safety net health centers and the patients who depend on them for essential healthcare.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that everyone ages six months and older get an annual flu shot.
Combating Influeza
The Centers for Disease Control estimates that seasonal influenza kills an average number of 36,000 people in the United States annually, making it a severe recurrent health threat. Vaccination coverage has improved in recent years, but the influenza virus mutates rapidly and can spread with alarming speed, scale, and scope.
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