Partnership Spotlight
Through Direct Relief, Novo Nordisk supports people with diabetes living in humanitarian crisis settings by supplying insulin, building capacity, and supporting awareness efforts.

Key Initiatives
Supplying Insulin Globally
Novo Nordisk donates insulin to Direct Relief to support countries in crisis, including through produce-to-give access program in which they manufacture insulin for humanitarian programs.
Responding to Crises
Novo Nordisk has provided many different types of human and analog insulin for Direct Relief’s humanitarian response in Ukraine, helping meet the needs of tens of thousands of patients with diabetes.
“While we are still deeply concerned with the ongoing aggression against Ukraine, we are grateful that we have been able to team up with Direct Relief, other humanitarian actors and the Ministry of Health to safeguard the supply of our lifesaving medicines to the people who depend on them in Ukraine. I would like to extend my gratitude to the staff of Direct Relief, who work tirelessly in times of crises to serve unmet needs for health care around the world,”
— Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen, President and CEO of Novo Nordisk.