“Where” Matters
To inform its work and understanding of complex issues, Direct Relief maps a variety of socio-economic factors that contribute to poverty, poor health, and the susceptibility of communities to crisis events such as hurricanes or other natural disasters.

Global Aid Map
Explore Direct Relief’s global distribution of humanitarian aid and its international network of healthcare partners.
Mapping Applications

Hurricane Prep Map
Direct Relief’s hurricane map combines social vulnerability data, health facility sites and staging locations for emergency medicine.

Global Fistula Hub
Direct Relief surveyed and mapped all health facilities identified as providing obstetric fistula repair by leading organizations involved in fistula.

United States Healthcare Safety Net
Map showing locations of United States Federally Qualified Health Centers, Free & Charitable Clinics, Direct Relief partners, Hospitals, and Public Health Departments.

California Wildfire Map Application
Map updates automatically with information on active fires and the communities they impact.

Global Covid-19 Relief Map
Mapping application tracks Direct Relief’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic
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